NANOPOWDER of metals: Cu; Ti; Ni; Ag; Al; W; Zn; Sn; Fe; Cu-Zn.

Sell NANOPOWDER of metals: Cu; Ti; Ni; Ag; Al; W; Zn; Sn; Fe; Cu-Zn. In sizes: Cu (50 - 100 nm); Ti (60 - 80 nm); Ni (70 - 80 nm); Ag (90 - 100 nm); Al (50 - 110 nm); W (200 - 500 nm); Zn (90 - 150 nm); Sn (80 - 110 nm); Fe (50 - 100 nm); Cu-Zn (80 - 100 nm); CuO (50 - 80 nm); Fe3O4 (80 - 100 nm); L-Al (50 - 70 nm).
Volume - 200 kg/monthly;
Price - from $400 US/kg.;
Advance payment - 100 %;
Basis of delivery - FCA, CPT; World.
Certificates. Passports of safety. Export. Packing under the international standards. Standard items and powders with individual characteristics - under the order.
Scopes: High-energy materials, coverings, the chemical industry, organic electronics, optical technologies, the space industry, medicine, pharmaceutics, cosmetology, a manufacturing industry.
Using nanopowder, for example, as additives, quality of many products - medicines, lubricants, polymers, filters, additives to the lubricants, painting and magnetic pigments, components high-strength solders is possible to improve considerably, etc.

Draft Contract and complete information about the product will be available only after the formal application (LOI), with full details of your company, with signature of the head, with the press, the picture (in color), in jpg or pdf.
Сообщение автору объявления
Регионы: Черкесск, Республика Карачаево-Черкессия
Категория: Предложение
Автор: Absolute
Телефон: +79026551581
Отправлено: 12.08.2011 12:37
Число просмотров: сегодня: 1, всего: 451
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